About Us

“ERP Meaning” Website provides knowledge to ERP System professionals. Whether you’re already using ERP System or its your first implementation, our purpose is to give you  the latest update about ERP, research and tools needed to navigate the ERP market.

Our Story

We start in 2015 with a few small enterprise, helping them for implement ERP system in right way that help them to grow business. As our support around the globe grew we expand our company and start ERP consultation firm which help large amount of business to choose suitable ERP for their business and implement ERP system. Previously we communicate with different company with linkedin and other social media platform. In 06-Sep-2021 we register domain erpmeaning.com for our company and now we are sharing content related ERP software and business growth.

Editorial Guidelines

At ERP Meaning, we are working very hard to make our valuable information. At erpmeaning.com our writers create unique, accurate and engaging content which is accessible for everyone without any charge or subscription. If you find any improvement in our blog or article, please feel free and provide your valuable feedback to us at our contact us page.


Our Leading Writer

Walter Ryne

Jayne Thompson done his Bachelor and MBA from Stanford Graduate School of Business, California, United States. He is worked as ERP Consultant in different company like SAP, Oracle and IBM. Now he is dedicated freelancer writer in our company and writing post about ERP software and implementation


Nick Arora

Nick has been a management consultant and work for 2000+ small and medium enterprise. In role of management consultant he help to grow businesses from his technical capability & expertise. He use company analytics of different business function like Finance, HR, Purchasing, Supply Chain, Inventory Management, Manufacturing and many more. Nick has been writing business and finance related article from 2005 for AS400 and Forbs. He complate his bachelors from Princeton University and MBA from Harvard Business School.