ERP Migration and Data Migration Best Practices

To work better for your organization, you come to use the ERP system. But it is not that all the time, you must get the best benefit for a particular ERP brand. You may feel insecure regarding the data by your existing ERP system. In that time, you need what you must follow to run your old business systematically.

But ERP system migration or change is not very simple as behind the ERP change, there must be a hassle of data migration and it is very effective. Do not skip the page as today; this article will give the full details of data migration. Take a look at the below details.

What is Data Migration?

Data or ERP migration comes with the name of “Data Transfer”. It is required when an organization decides to change its ERP system for any of the reasons. 

Data Migration is the process during changing of the ERP system. The thing is that when an organization needs to change ERP, at the same time, the organization takes initiative to share a database that enables the complete set of employees’ information active. That means whenever the organization implements an ERP system, at the same time, data of the organization moves from older to a new one. 

Though Data Migration is vital, it is sometimes challenging. The process of data migration comes too complex and it is time-consuming. It needs a careful attitude and proper planning. If you do not do any previous plan, the whole process of ERP migration can take more time and effort. Even sometimes, the result does not come accurately. The top accuracy always gives the full phase of customer satisfaction, decision building, and relationship among partners

Why does Data Migration come important during ERP system migration?

Data migration comes essential when an organization needs to take a new ERP system. The thing is that major people in the business come to rely on historical data. 

Why are Data Migration Challenges?

The work for ERP migration is good for organizations but it includes some of the risk factors. To know the challenging part, just follow the bottom lines.

1. Data Redundancy and integrity

Several departments need to store their copies regarding information about the customers, products, or their employees but the data is not identical. But for work easiness, each department keeps data differently according to category. 

As an example, the management of the organization comes to save the information of the customers with their names and address in different formats. Even they come to keep different addresses for the same customers. As a result of that, simply anyone can import every record from the department into the ERP system with 100 percent accuracy.   

2. Data Migration cost

You can add up the cost of extracting, cleaning, and restructuring data to a significant part of the ERP implementation budget. Apart from that, you can move the data related to data migration cost up to 10 to 15% from the older ERP to a newer one. 

3. Stakeholder Buy-in

Though the company’s top manager has priorities, ERP data may not be included. The system of buy-in is essential to avoid internal conflicts. The management comes often to ensure groups just cooperate to create for producing a single or consistent set of data.

4. Issues regarding regulatory

Several regional & specific regulations affect the policies of the organization and it can store and use data. During transferring data, be sure to comply with those regulations. For example, a healthcare organization needs to follow HIPAA rules which stipulate six-year retention for a particular document. But Europe’s GDPR Act needs that organizations to retain the ability to remove customers’ data on request.

4 Steps to create ERP migration for data with Plan

For the best ERP system migration with a plan, you should give importance to creating an ERP data migration strategy that covers several key elements. Follow the elements given below.

1. Make a migration team

Just come to put together responsible people to decide the data for transferring and for its clean it up. The group of data migration is a part of your overall ERP team and it will include representatives among different business groups who are responsible for providing insights into data used for implementation.

2. Come to analyze the map and data

At this time, you need to examine the data for the source system just for redundancies and inconsistencies. The team of data migration needs to decide how to solve the issues before importing data into the ERP system. In that kind of implementation, you need to understand the data structure of the ERP database. That means automated tools do import the information

3. Decide on a migration

It is very common to know that old comes outdated and for that customers do not go for the order. Suppliers become out of business and the data comes as obsolete products. The data comes as obsolete products and they are not systemized in the new transaction. So, it goes offline or in a separate system. 

4. Migrate, validate & Test

The new ERP migration includes the tools which help the automatic process of importing data from the system and some cases are in the ERP system. Before going, just go for a run to test on the migrated data through the ERP application.                                                                       

ERP Data Migration Best Practices

The best practices for erp system migration works for an organization in need of avoiding pitfalls and even it keeps the entire for the next part. To know the best practices, just look at the below. 

1. Prioritize Data Migration

undoubtedly, data migration comes to be involved in the work very ineffectively as it is time-consuming. It also will delay your entire implementation if you do not have a plan from a previous time. The most important is to start at an earlier time and allow more resources to prove that it is not a bottleneck. You should give importance to the implementation, part of processing and cleaning data from the source system.

2. Large scale with the use of data

Before starting the ERP migration, give importance to the matter of analyzing existing data and the thought for analyzing existing data or the using process within the ERP system. Even, you come to take an initiative for mapping it to ERP structure. 

3. Come on consider broader business

Before you come to start the ERP system migration, give importance to analyzing the existing data and thinking about how to use the ERP system, mapping it to the ERP database, and translating rules for data for new structures during migration. You need to know that ERP installation for implementation becomes an opportunity for better insight into the business by analyzing its data. So, during migration, you need to think about the process of data use for the right decision on the whole business and its department.  

4. Assign Data related to responsibility for responsibility

Just come to determine the data owner and the assigning roles for your team. For example, the team will come to determine the exact version of redundant customer information with incorporation into the ERP system. At this point, it is a good time for appointing someone with the responsibility and restrictions that affect your business. The new rules such as CCPA and GDPR are undoubtedly costly.

The Tips for ERP System Migration

The tips are very essential to ensure the success of an ERP data migration. Here are the tips mentioned below.

  • Begin the process of testing of a new system with few migrated data and gradually build up a comprehensive testing
  • Start subsets of customers and orders to expand gradually the data, applications, and uses.
  • Go through the checklist and take an initiative to run a test for day to day process on the new system.
  • Keep the full definition of planning, risk management, and its control.
  • Do the right implantations like data migration, and learning strategy.
  • Go for verification, planning for transition, and transition strategy.
  • Select the right candidate depending on their skill and motivate them for the company’s goal.
  • The team should take initiative for the right decision for the migration process.
  • You need to manage the good interaction among the team members.
  • Take control in the right way with full care.
  • Find the best corresponding ERP software for smooth interaction and the right financial system.
  • Begin with critical and small data components. Ensure executives support for stakeholders and professionals.
  • Review the migration system with accurate implementation.
  • Provides training for the workers and employers.

Take feedback and implement it from time to time. Keep in mind that an ERP system migration is a major time of transformation for any business, and the most important thing for deployment to become successful is the right preparation.

Keep in mind that the migration of ERP systems is a potential work in need of transformation for any company or organization. Take the right step for ERP migration and go ahead with your business.
