What is As400 Database? Definition, Types & Name

Do you want to learn about As400 Database? Are you curious about what it is and how it works? If so, you have come to the right place. In this blog post, we will discuss everything you need to know about As400 Database. So whether you are a business owner or an IT professional, this blog post has something for everyone!

As400 Database
As400 Database

As400 Db2 History

The IBM i have a relational database known as AS400 Db2 for IBM i or As400 Database, previously known as System/38. The database was developed from the non-relational System/38 data base and now supports the relational model and SQL. Originally, the database had no name; it was simply referred to as “data base support.” In 1994, it became known as DB2/400 to reflect comparable features to IBM’s other commercial databases. Despite the Db2 name, Db2 for IBM i is a completely different codebase from Db2 on other platforms, and it is tightly linked to the SLIC layer of IBM i rather than being an add-on.

IBM AS400 uses System/38’s database access model and SQL i to provide two methods for accessing the integrated database. The Data Description Specifications (DDS) language to describe schemas and the OPNQRYF command or QQQQRY query API, are the native interface. Because some Db2 for i facilities, such as object-relational database management, need SQL and are not available through the basic interface, they are not accessible. IBM i has a pair of distinct query optimizers known as the Classic Query Engine (CQE) and SQL Query Engine (SQE). The SLIC has a Query Dispatcher that selects the appropriate optimizer depending on the query type. This is done with help from the Remote Access feature, which lets users access their data through the native interface and SQL.

Db2 for i may be used as a storage engine by applications built for the MySQL and MariaDB databases. IBMDB2I is a storage engine for MySQL and MariaDB based on IBM’s DB2. Several open-source databases have been ported to IBM i, including PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and Redis. The PASE environment runs these databases, which are not influenced by the operating system’s integrated database capabilities.

Understanding As400 Database

The As400 Database (formerly Db2 for LUW) is a relational database that provides analytics as well as a sophisticated data management facility for transaction-based workloads. The db2 AS400 is made to help you get insights and data quickly. You can use it on different types of computers- like Windows, Unix & Linux. It will work well, and you can trust it to be reliable.

AS400 db2 software includes features like in-memory computing, storage optimization, development tools and advanced management, continuous data availability, workload management, and actionable compression.

As400 Database on Cloud

Db2 As400 on Cloud is a cloud-based SQL database with all management features. It has high availability and a 99.99 percent uptime guarantee. You can independently scale storage and processing and get rolling security updates using Db2 on Cloud.

Db2 on Cloud can be used on both IBM Cloud and Amazon Web Services (AWS). Key features include:

  • Elasticity: Db2 on Cloud can independently scale storage and compute. This means businesses can increase the amount of computing they use when demand is high and reduce it when demand is low. Storage can also be scaled up as needed.
  • Backups and Recovery: Several disaster recovery solutions are available for CloudDb2. You may use a point-in-time restore or have backups for up to fourteen days. If something goes wrong, you may have your data center failover to another location.
  • Encryption: The data protection rules are met by the Cloud version of Db2. It employs in-rest database encryption and SSL connections. In high-availability architectures, rolling security updates are accessible. All database instances are backed up daily. Security patching and maintenance are the responsibility of the database administrator.
  • High availability options: Db2 on Cloud has a 99.99% uptime service level agreement. This means that your applications will continue to run without downtime, even if there are updates or scaling operations. Db2 uses its HADR technology to make this possible.
  • Data federation: By making a single request to view data stored on Db2 on-premises and/or Db2 Warehouse on-premises or in the cloud, you can review your information.
  • Private networking: Db2 on Cloud can be accessed through a secure Virtual Private Network (VPN).

As400 Database BigSQL

IBM As400 Database BigSQL is the renamed version of IBM Db2 Big SQL. It’s a professional-grade solution that runs mixed ANSI-compliant SQL on the Hadoop platform. It gives you massive parallel processing (MPP) and sophisticated data analysis. Among the other features are low latency, high performance, security, SQL compatibility, and built-in machine learning.

With a single connection or query, Big SQL allows you to access data from various sources including HDFS, RDMS, NoSQL databases, object stores, and WebHDFS. This can be used to access data from Hadoop and relational databases. The cloud, within your corporate network, or a mix of both, is all options for achieving this.

The IBM Db2 products are intended to be used with Big SQL. IBM Integrated Analytics System is also used with it. The IBM Hybrid Data Management Platform provides you with versatility and portability, excellent data integration, and flexible licensing. Big SQL is part of it.

As400 Database for Event Store

As400 Db2 Event Store is designed for companies that need to analyze data as it is streaming in, in real-time. This product is perfect for companies in the internet of things (IOT), industrial, telecommunications, financial services, online retail, and other industries. It went live in June 2017, and it’s already available to the public. With its quick data capture and analysis capabilities, it can store and analyze 250 billion events each day on just three server nodes. The necessity to promote AI and machine learning was considered from the start by incorporating IBM Watson Studio into the product and integrating Jupyter notebooks for collaborative app and model development.Db2 Event Store is a technology that helps you store data. It uses Apache Parquet to write the data out to object storage in an open format. This makes it compatible with Spark Machine Learning, Spark SQL, and other open technologies. It also works with the Db2 family of products and all supported languages.

Platform which support As400 Db2

There are multiple platforms that support As400 Db2 including:

  • IBM i (formerly OS/400)
  • Linux on Power Systems
  • AIX on Power Systems
  • Windows Server on x86 and x64 systems
  • macOS on Intel 64 systems (using Docker containers)

Customers who need to run z/OS applications in IBM i on Linux can purchase a Value Unit Edition of IBM DB2 for z/OS, which allows them to pay a one-time fee instead of purchasing the product in its traditional packaging.

As400 database Type & Editions

IBM offers three As400 database types:

Type1 – IBM As400 Db2 Community Edition

The IBM As400 Db2 Community Edition is a free, open-source software product that includes both XML database and relational database management system capabilities. It has four CPU cores, 16 GB of RAM, and no Enterprise support or fix packs. There is no limit to the number of users or database size in the Db2 Community Edition.

Type2- IBM As400 Db2 Standard Edition

IBM As400 Db2 Standard Edition is a perpetual software license for production and non-production usage of up to 16 processor cores and 128 GB RAM with IBM assistance. Db2 Standard Edition can be licensed based on a Virtual Processor Core metric. This means that you are charged for every processor core in a non-partitioned physical server, or every virtual core assigned to a virtual server. For non-production use, Db2 Standard Edition can be licensed based on the total number of authorized users.

Type3- IBM As400 Db2 Advanced Edition

The IBM As400 Db2 Advanced Edition is available as part of the IBM Hybrid Data Management Platform. You can buy it as a license for use forever, or you can pay a monthly fee to use it without any restrictions, with premium IBM support. You need to buy FlexPoints in order to get an HDMP perpetual license or a subscription. FlexPoints are credits that you can use to deploy any Db2-family software product or cloud service offering.

The following features are included in the IBM As400 DB2 Advanced Edition:

  • For faster decisions, it improves application performance and analytics.
  • It provides high availability and disaster recovery.
  • Provides a safe and adaptable environment
  • Data interfaces are more efficient when there is a wide range of data.
  • Enhances productivity while reducing administrative involvement.

Error processing in As400 Database

The error handling in As400 Db2 computer programs is an essential feature. The SQL communications area (SQLCA) structure was formerly used solely inside a Db2 program to deliver error information back to the application program after every SQL statement was completed. The field SQLCODE in the SQLCA block is where the primary, but not only useful, error diagnostic is kept.

The return code values of SQL are:

  • The test is considered a success if the first digit of its result is 0.
  • Positive numbers indicate good execution with no or few errors. For example, +100 indicates that no rows were found.
  • A negative value indicates a failure due to an error. For example, -911 means that a lock timeout (or deadlock) has occurred, resulting in a rollback.

Later versions of Db2 added more features and complexity to how SQL is executed. You might get multiple errors or warnings when something went wrong with a statement. To find out what happened, you would need to look at the GET DIAGNOSTICS statement.

As400 Db2 database and Other Technology

The product comes with a command line and a graphical user interface. The command-line mode involves more expertise, but it may be programmed and automated more easily.A Java client that runs on many platforms is called a GUI. It has a lot of wizards who are helpful to novices. Both SQL and XQuery are supported by DB2. Since it supports XML, DB2 is quicker to query using XQuery than other databases.

Rexx, PL/I, COBOL, RPG, Fortran, C++, C# CLI, Java, Python, and Perl are among the programming languages supported by DB2. The Eclipse and Visual Studio integrated development environments are also supported by DB2.

pureQuery is IBM’s data access technology for apps that need to access data. pureQuery works with both Java and .NET. pureQuery provides tools, APIs, and a runtime environment as provided in IBM Data Studio Developer and IBM Data Studio PureQuery Runtime for accessing data in databases and in-memory Java objects.


The AS400 Database family of data management products, which includes database servers and other related software, was created by IBM. It offers a high degree of integration with other IBM software and hardware. The As400 Db400 DBMS is an object-oriented, relational database management system that runs on the IBM i operating system. It supports multiple languages and offers a wide range of features.

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